
The "Fuerza Gaucha" or "Gaucho strength" is based on the "Navy strength" known from the British tradition. So far only available in a limited edition, this is the same distillate as the regular Apóstoles Gin, only less diluted. It is really exciting that - although the character of the gin is of course completely retained and recognizable - the balance of the aromas shifts a bit. The slightly resinous-woody juniper and the herbaceous note of mate come to the fore a little more, but without the freshness of eucalyptus and peperina disappearing. Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Navy Strength Gin

Country of Origin: Argentina

Company: Mitre Fortin SRL

Distiller: Mitre Fortin SRL

Alcohol Percentage: 53.0%

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