
6 years of passion for the Saar region, 6 years of crafting the finest artsanal gin. To celebrate the 6th anniversary, Ferdinand's has created a very special batch showcasing their famous noble sweet Riesling grapes macerated in their Ferdinand's Saar Dry Gin and bottled in the second porcelain collector's edition. "The Queen of the white grapes" is THE botanical of Ferdinand's Saar Dry Gin. "Riesling from the cool tributary the Saar is one of the wine world's most distinctive, least imitable wine styles: light, crisp, racy, refreshing as a mountain stream and somehow tasting of the slate which, by reradiating warmth overnight, helps ripen so many Riesling vines." [Jancis Robinson]

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Germany

Company: Capulet & Montague

Distiller: Avadis Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 44.0%

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