
Satoshi London Dry Gin is a gin produced using the classic London Dry Gin process, which surprises with the fresh aromas of the Sicilian blood orange Moro. The characteristic aroma of the blood orange is subtly surrounded by lemongrass. The spicy note of selected batches of fresh mace (seed coat around nutmeg) serves as an aromatic bridge between juniper and blood orange. The exclusive jungle pepper, also known as bourbon pepper, which only grows wild in the tropical forests of Madagascar, forms the body with fine-spicy and sweet-tasting Tuscan juniper. Other ingredients are angelica root from German cultivation, veal root and lavender. At Satoshi Spirits, raw material purchasing, processing, distillation and bottling are all done in-house. All distillates are without additives, sugar or flavors and still intensely aromatic. The two base flavors "Tuscan Juniper" and "Sicilian Blood Orange Moro" are also available separately as spirits from Satoshi Spirits. Sidenote 1: The London Dry Gin process is the only process in which you can rely on 100% quality production with real ingredients. Sidenote 2: The spirits of Satoshi Spirits consist of only one "botanical" and are produced like London Dry Gin. They are excellent in drinks, with tonic or, if you like, they can also be drunk neat. Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Germany

Company: Satoshi Spirits GmbH

Distiller: Satoshi Spirits GmbH

Alcohol Percentage: 44.0%

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